Bouquet of Red Roses

Red roses

A bouquet of beautiful blooms is a brilliant gift for the one you love on any occasion


  • A bouquet of RED ROSES delivered to your room


Upon purchase, please confirm the time and date with minimum 24 hours notice. Contact details will be provided on the voucher.This Gift Voucher must be be presented upon arrival at the hotel or via email.

Terms and Conditions

Booking required in advance by phone or email after the purchase of this voucher. Contact details will be provided in the confirmation email.
The price is inclusive of 10% service charge and 7% VAT

Cancellation policy

Cancellations and changes within 48 hours of the booked delivery time will incur in loss of the voucher (please contact the reservation department for further information).

Valid for

1 year
See options & Buy
See options & Buy

How it works

From gastronomic and spa experiences to romantic getaways, here you can browse and easily buy some of the most unique experiences and gift vouchers in the world.

Each experience can be purchased as a gift. When buying, simply click on ‘BUY AS A GIFT’ to choose your favourite voucher design & add a gift message.

Once your purchase is completed, you will receive a voucher in your email. If it’s a gift, you can forward it to the lucky recipient, or print it out. Don’t worry, the price will not be shown in the voucher.

Use your voucher whenever you want! Once you know your preferred date, simply contact the hotel to let them know your voucher number & confirm availability. Some of our experiences can be booked for a specific date too!